Holiday 2010 pages, Ireland UAE and Oman

March 2010 and big wide world here I come.

First week is work.... plus hopefully a little sight seeing time.

So, first stop Dublin, plus a little side trip to the ancestral hometown, Magheralin, just south of Belfast.

On the way there, though, a little side trip to see the megalithic monument site, Newgrange. It was about 45 minutes drive north of Dublin.

Then a couple of days catching up with Steve & Jan in Abu Dhabi. One of the spectacular buildings there was the Grand Mosque.

Finally on to Oman for a little adventure.

... but what would my world be without an adventure to start with... even before I've left home!

A night of heavy rain and BINGO, the guttering decided to give way.... so, up the ladder it was with power tools and fixin's.

100306095338_guttering_before 100306095338_guttering_after