Holiday 2014

Back into the big wide world.... this time for an extravaganza tour taking in France, UK, Ireland and Turkey.

In each location, I tried to take photos that give a sense of what the general town is like, as well as happy-snapping at all the tourist sites, and nerding out anywhere within about a kilometre of a museum.

First stop was France, having a look at the corner of the world where the cherished offspring has been parked this year.
From France, we travelled to Scotland for a family catch up.. and to look for the Loch Ness Monster. (stop rolling your eyes... it's there I tells ya).
After a brilliant time in Scotland (even though people were starting to get pre-referendum jitters) it was off to Ireland.
Lolling about with the Leprechauns had came to an end when the call of the sea... well the Mediterranean... not just any old sea, meant the first ever trip to Turkey.
From Turkey,  it was back to Kent in the UK for a week and a little bit ... catching up with a cuz and some friends.